Sunday, May 31, 2009

Mommie Dearest

No, I'm not in prison for murder, or in a shallow grave; nor have I discovered serenity thereby leaving me void of complaint. But I do have some excuses.

It ain't like I dint warn the little ingrates. I said very clearly "ANYONE WHO GETS SICK WILL BE SENT IMMEDIATELY INTO FOSTER CARE". Did they listen? Oh, haill NO. So then, there they were, in blatant defiance of a direct order, feverish eyes ablaze, baby cheeks all flushed, sad looking little creatures indeed. But did I put the little monsters out on the street?? Even though I'm BUSY?? well, No. Instead I selflessly mother-loved them until they were all better. I know, I'm way to soft, gotta follow up on my threats otherwise they'll walk all over me.
And what do I get for my gallant efforts? well, SICK of course, is what I got. So that's partially why I have been absent from delivering my daily dose of sunshine.

That in combination with feverish (literal) preparation for my fuck-fuck-fucking board certification exam (another one!) in June where I will go pay lots-o- money so I can get tortured by some twatty frankenpimp who needs to fill a time void while taking a break from squeezing baby rabbits until their eyes bleed. This has forced me into using a computer with an extensive review program and NO INTERNET access, as I have been known to occasionally become distracted.

Thank you Gia and peedee & Whale. Between boards, drunken fucktard lawsuit & all purpose fucktard Archie Bunker, June will be a busy month. Thank you for visiting and wish me luck.


The Whale said...

The American Psychiatric Association is preparing to publish their latest manual of mental disorders the DSM-V. One of the proposed new disorders definitely fits Archie. Or at least one aspect of him.

Pathological Hoarding:
Traditionally considered a symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorder, pathological hoarding may soon be classified as a separate syndrome. People suffering from this illness are stereotypical packrats. According to Dr. George Makari, Director of the Institute for the History of Psychiatry at Cornell University, “it’s a person who has an impulse-control problem; they bring everything in, and can’t throw anything out. You go into their house and they have newspapers from the last 35 years and their house is a scary junk bin.”

Unknown said...

But can you Baker Act a Pathological Hoarder?? 72 hours of peace is better than nothin...

CholeraJoe said...

Whale, my mother's oldest sister had that problem. When she died, I was left with the chore of cleaning out her house and selling her belongings since she had no children and her husband and both sisters had already died.

Man oh man! She had plastic margarine tubs, twist ties, unmatched buttons, newspapers, and loads of other junk. She also had dozens of handmade quilts and some very valuable china, which I still have.

Edith Bunker said...

"crazy as a shithouse rat" does that have an official dx?
More importantly, at treatment??

Anonymous said...

Faye Dunaway!!! Liked her better in "Bonnie and Clyde" or "Chinatown" which I snuck in to see as a 12 year old...
I'd skip that whole "Board Certification" thang, just a scam to take yo' money, no different than Organized Crime really, except the Mob doesn't make you take a test after takin yo' money... My kids don't get sick, or at least they don't bother me about it...5cc of Bicillin will do that to you... Operant Conditioning I think they call it...
