Sunday, January 11, 2009

2nd grade affairs of the heart

Not to be outdone by her younger sib, Miss H. also has a love interest, or perhaps even two.

One she openly admits to liking (under the sacred vow to never tell her brother, sealed with a pinky promise). He was her kindergarten sweetheart, and despite his departure to the greener pastures of home schooling, the flame is still alive. Why homeschooling? So that that his somewhat non-traditional family can spend half the year in their other home in Hawaii. YAHOO!! She'll always need a chaperone! KEEP IT GOIN' BABY!

Boy of interst #2 is referred to by Miss H. as her "arch enemy". His name is Magnus. If you're going to have an arch enemy, he might as well be called Magnus, it is much more menacing than say, Triston. Miss H. grumbles about him daily, with complaints like "he makes me chase him". " So if you can't stand him, why do you chase him?" I ask. "Well, he just makes me!" Duh! And for all of their grand enmity, they still insist on inviting the other to their parties, even when the hammer comes down for abbreviated guest lists.

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