Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Frog has Landed & other updates

Once upon a time, there was a bitter housewife. She bitched and moaned and even made a blog mostly dedicated to trashing her husband because he's a crazyass hoarder who would pay money for dirty kotex if someone put 'em on the clearance table at CVS. This bitchy woman posted a picture of the mess in the garage, containing one frog lamp. Lo and behold, someone spotted it, and wanted it!! Through the power of the information age, one murder by frog lamp was thwarted, thanks be to you, Lord Google.

By now, enough time has elapsed that I'm pretty sure it's not a cruel hoax leading to my death by bludgeoning, and I could be wrong, but the new owner isn't making an icky face, so he might actually like it! or it could be gas, I guess.

This lovely situation was brokered by my buddy Peedee, Queen of the Dogs, from Northern Cuba, in Fort Liquerdale. She gave it to her frog collecting friend, Joshua to put in has garden, and there they will live happily ever after! So you see, some fairy tales do have happy endings.

In other news, I recently wrote about a my son's kindergarten classmates, one of whom is named Wedge. After further investigation, I have some fun facts about Wedge:
  1. It is not short for anything. That's his name. WEDGE.
  2. His last name starts with E. Long E, which means if you say his first and last name together, you can't help but say Wedgie.
  3. His hair is cut in, of course, a wedge style.
  4. I better get used to it as it seems that Wedge and The Boy and some little tramp (dossier in progress) are all now BFFs.


CholeraJoe said...

I ran across a kid in the unit the other week named Ace. 4 months old with RSV. That was his real name. No tats yet, but give him time.

Edith Bunker said...

Are you sure you checked EVERYWHERE? Kids named Ace a born with prison tats. Truth.