Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Still Bitter!

2 weeks? has it been that long? A review of current events:

1. Mr. Bunker is an asshole. His latest OCD/hoarding acquisition is pictured above. They are a total of 6 giant paper shredders which were acquired at the Goodwill store because "they were such bargain", and can be resold by YOU TROY for vast coinage. Dayumm. They are the size of a washing machine and very very old, like made for that computer paper that was one continuous sheet. Guess I won't be getting my car in the garage anytime soon.

2. First day of school! Took the kids into the projects, dropped em off. Miss H. couldn't wait. The Boy however, was stuck to me like hair on bar soap. We all survived, thank you waterproof mascara. That first day of kindergarten is traumatic.

3. Archie Bunker is a CRAZY asshole.

4. My sister-in-law, Trashie, added a new word to her vocabulary, and that word is irregardless. That is some sort of non-standard non-word which is a double negative, and when I hear it I suffer brain convulsions and swoon (on the inside).
She needed another four syllable word because she's used up "evidently", another word that makes my ass hurt, perhaps from the repeated overuse of it by Trashie. I know we're not supposed to tell others how to push our buttons, but here's how to make me want to roll up in a corner:

  • use the word irregardless
  • misspell separate (I always have to check, it's some kind of tic)
  • jack up possessives. I guess I'm getting over this, as there is much poetic license, Frank Drackman, in the blogesphere.
So now you know. Please do not use this against me.

5. Da Bears. So sad.

6. Still waiting to become a stoner, or at least get long eyelashes from my glaucoma drops, which thankfully, I can still see.

So...Anybody need a shredder?


Unknown said...

Yes, its been more than two weeks, but irregardless it could be 3 days and Id be creepin you're page.


Kindygarden = Free daycare! yippeee!! You know, you gots forever to go with these kids. I envy you. No, for real I do.

Edith Bunker said...

Ouch!! like fingernails on a chalkboard.
Yup. I was so giddy with the vistas of time opening up in front of me I volunteered to be a helper. we'll see how that goes.

Mister Wolf said...

So Archie is a hoarder? My mother is a hoarder. It's so damn annoying and thanks to my 18 years living with my mother I've become quite the minimalist. I could never marry a hoarder...I'd hang myself(or a spendthrift for that matter). This of course eliminates a huge amount of ladies for me...who love to shop and use their credit cards to buy designer clothes and other such crap.

As for getting rid of the kids, I do not know that joy. Probably best for my sanity as well.

Edith Bunker said...

Yes. hoarder. if he lived on his own he would probably qualify for a TV intervention within 6 months.
so is it ok for a girl to get designer crap so long as she pays cash?

Mister Wolf said...

To some degree Mrs. Bunker. As I've said, I'm quite the miser. But I can respect it when one pays cash(I hate both credit and debit cards, granted, I do have a debit card for backup m'self...and for gas) as it somewhat indicates one has thought out their purchase(one can only hope) and limits the potential destruction of the trip.

Actually let me rephrase my thoughts a bit. I don't mind when others spend money as long as they are thinking ahead and saving and investing some of it. And that they think out the purchase.

Anonymous said...

Umm Edith, don't know how to tell you this,so I'll do it "Bullet" style,and thats the answer to your Prob-lemo, a bullet... but
1: Theres only one reason a guy gets an Industrial Strength Shredder, see "Fargo", last scene... Might wanta skip that last glass of wine you betcha...
2: 2 words "Private School" and don't tell me you can't afford it, schedule a few extra emergency tummy tucks, teach your kids about the Underclass like I do, PRO WRESTLING...its on the free cable chanels...
3: they thought Charles Manson was crazy too..
4: You talkin bout' me?? FYI I'm a bit of the Grammar Nazi myself, well at least the "Nazi" bit...if I here one more idiot ask where something's "AT" I'm gonna ummm lament the sorry state of Public Education..
5: Hey don' worry you got those Northwestern Da-Whatever they're called to root for, is it Illi-ini??? whatever, the Big 10 sucks more than Barney Frank at a NAMBLA meat and greet..
6: Hmmm don't follow this at all, Stoner? Glaucoma?? should have stuck with the Acid like I did...(Not since 1979, Mr. DEA man)
7: Hmm I could use a Shredder myself come to think of it...


troyinparticular said...

YES! Thank you for the photo of the shredders, it will be put to good use!!!

Matt is really scared that I'm going to end up like THEM!

CrazyPoet said...

Well, all 6 of those shredders could come in real handy, especially if he gets a "unbelievable deal" on a chainsaw too. Do you see where I'm going with this? ;-)

The Whale said...

Frank, I don't know if I have ever heard of a better comparison to how much something sucks than the Barney Frank reference. That is golden.