Thursday, July 30, 2009

What the Hell kind of GD summer is THIS?

Maybe the above picture is exaggerating a little tiny bit, but come on!! It's official today, we have just experienced he coldest July on record, not one single day in the 90's. Perhaps someone could take a moment and inform the pesky Greenpeace hairy hemp little stanko's parked out in front of my building that the polar bears are disappearing from the arctic because they are on their way here.
Also please tell them that yes indeed, they have waited so long to bathe that they will brutally maim the micro-ecco system on the planet if they engage in any kind of brutality with bar soap, so the should just stay home with others emitting similar foul & biohazardous gasses.

Usually the kids have a wading pool set up out back, but it's been way too cold.
My main complaint is wardrobe related, in that it looks like I won't have the real summer wardrobe out until mid August. Then what? Two weeks then it's time to start wearing boots again?

At least I don't feel bad about my tardy garden, as the June weather probably would have done it in anyway.


Unknown said...

ok, we officially hit 90 or better everyday so far in July. Al Gore is in his glory, but hey asshole its supposed to be hot in south Flo-rida.

Bucket boy is good at entertaining himself isnt he....and "little pink houses for you and me"...I've heard that somewhere before.

Wheres the reunion fodder. I know theres at least one or two disparaging remarks to be made about that trip...

Unknown said...

ask and ye shall receive....

CholeraJoe said...

Al Gore is deeply saddened. (Hint: It's the sun, stupid!)