Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Home Sweet Home

I'll be making the trek to my hillbilly hometown this weekend for some kind of high school reunion gathering, the first of which I have attended. So much can change in, uh, well.. 10 years, or something like that. I will be a standout because I have all my teeth and pants will not be elastic in the waist. My kids can play with my classmate's grandkids; it'll be good fun. We can swap mac & cheese recipes and see who's wearing the best overalls. Can't wait!
On the brighter side, my garden is finally in bloom. A little late but look at those delphiniums! The climbers on my trellis are going crazy, I think the little fucker's been fertilizing, it's good for a dog to have hobby outside of chewing up shoes and dragging underwear around. I guess he's good for something (besides alerting me to the presence of nekid drunk intruders, that is).


Unknown said...

Its bad enough my kids making me feel all old and shit by turnin 21. Now you gotta chime in with your 10 YEAR HS REUNION?!?!

My 25th HS Reunion is this weekend. Double pffft.

Just remember, "Class of '84 Parties More".

Edith Bunker said...

ummm, it's my 10th reunion like its my 13th 29th birthday. feel better?

Unknown said...

Ha!!!! yesssssssssssssssssssss

Gia's Spot said...

F both of you!! I just had my 31st high school reunion ,which I did not attend! and when someone is Rude enough to ask how old I am ? why I am "thirtynineteen"
Edith, you live in an appartment? I love your flowers! They are award winning, brightens up the brickwork!! And your description of the dog dragging the underwear around? brought back so many memories of when my girls had a puppy when they were little! Yeah, that didnt last long!!!
Great work on the garden!!

Unknown said...

Yeah, I failed to mention how purdy your flowers are.

And your probably lucky I didnt "know" you in January. The kid graduated boot camp Jan 2nd so my sister and I went up a couple of days early and tore up Chi-town New Years eve. We would have dragged you out with us. You could of held the bail money.

CholeraJoe said...

Y'all are spring chickens compared to ol' CJ. My 35th Med School reunion was earlier this year. I didn't go. I didn't like those assholes back then when they were wearing bell bottoms and smokin' doobies before anatomy lab, why should they think I would like them any better now?

Since I finished Pulmonary/CC training I've seen exactly one classmate of mine. I ran into a chick I banged in second year at a Medical Meeting in 1996. Hoo Boy! The years were not kind to her, nor were the Twinkies. Two axe handles across the butt.

Edith Bunker said...

Well CJ, I certainly hope you did her the service of letting her know she looked like shit, we LOVE to hear that from old flames; or at least gave her a Twinkie when you broke it to her?

Chicago on New Year's--Up from Miami??? where'd you go? If memory serves, the weather was horrible. It's a lot more fun in the summer, I see the Great Lakes grads walking around in their whites (looking like babies!) & the kids always walk up to them and say "thank you for protecting us". It's kinda cute.

Gia- my garden is on the top of the garage so it's a decent sized deck/rooftop garden, we call it our "backyard" no lawn mowing required! it's all containers which makes upkeep pretty easy once it's planted. My luck with perennials is fairly poor, but I get a few more survivors every year.
I've done a few veggies (tomatoes and peppers) but they were way too needy (and there is a farmers marked a block away every Saturday)

The Whale said...

You know lil sis, you may be surprised at your reunion. When I went to my 20th several years back there was a sizable minority of folks from out of town. (Probably just coming back for anthropological studies--but nevertheless) I'm sure you will find some of the locals that have never left town to be absolutely fascinating with exciting life stories. It will probably be a refreshing worldly and educated viewpoint compared to Archie.
It also appears that there is a little bit of culture back home now. Yeah there's a genuine brew pub down on Poplar.

CholeraJoe said...

Ms. B, I even bought her lunch - half-pound cheeseburger with onion rings. She was playing the cancer card as an excuse. "Oh I gained so much weight when I got breast cancer." Excuse me!? Doesn't chemo make you puke all the time?

I know, I know. I'm an insensitive cad.

Unknown said...

Holy fuhkers CJ!!!! You are sooooo insensitive!!! I LOVE it!!

And Edith, I cant remember where we went. It was on the road where the stadium is, where the Cubbies play. We bar hopped a bit. And your right, I froze my nipples off.
When we had Lauren out that weekend a lot of people stopped and thanked her. It was awesome. I loved Chicago. I think its the most clean city I've ever been to. And the people were so nice! Weird. I'm not used to that.

And just for clarification...I live in Ft. Lauderdale, not Norther Cuba, err, umm, I mean not Miami.

Edith Bunker said...

Cubbie Bear! that's where Archie got punched in the nose by a bouncer.

Unknown said...

yeah it was crazeeeeeeee! They had some NHL Hockey game the next day or something. Put a whole damn hockey rink in the ballpark.

Sybil said...
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Gia's Spot said...

Edith I don't know how I missed the fact that you live in Chicago! I have a Bro who lives in Forset Park? He moved from Aurora. I have no idea the state of the place he lives in. I used to visit my Mom in Berwyn and Cicero when she was alive but havent been back to Chi town since 1995 when she died! I love Rush street and kinda remember most of the bars I went to, well the ones where I was sober and can still remember....that made no sense but I am not removing it!!
I also gave my veggie garden over to the wonderful weeds that are flowering there now after all the rain here!! Well, some would consider them flowers right?? SO yup, its the farmers market for me on thurday afternoons!!

Unknown said...

ok. can we get a post?? I need my fix. =D

Edith Bunker said...

Gia, your not really supposed to remember the bars on Rush street, it is usually better that way! We refer to that area as "The Viagra Triangle".
Berwyn was recently in the news because there was a fight about whether or not the huge decorative mountain of cars-on-a-skewer should be removed.