Saturday, April 4, 2009

Train wreck

Tomorrow I will get up very early, attend a trauma lecture which may contain enough gore to keep me awake, swipe my card, and be done with half my continuing education hours for the year.
Next, I will don my haute couture super hero ensemble, wing it home, finish packing for everyone (because PACKING is a procedure with far to much complexity for Archie Bunker to handle), tell Mr. Useless to get out of bed so we can go on the vacation of his (HIS) dreams.

What could a sedentary maestro of the remote control wish for on a vacation?? How about a Barca lounger on wheels? This phenomena actually has been achieved, and is known as the Amtrak Empire line. I'm sure a short trip would be nice, but we're going all the way. ALL THE WAY!!! TO THE EFFIN PACIFIC OCEAN.
After the first hour of the train ride The Boy will become insane with pent up 5 year-old-boy super buzz electric hair raising jangling bouncing crazed fireball energy, and he will probably require some kind of SWAT team intervention because he will most likely take the whole damn choo-choo train apart in order to see if he can find some naked ladies. Miss H. will be fine, she will build a nest in a secret hiding place and knock out the 23 volume Magic of Xanth series. What will I do? My iPod is fully charged and I have my reading list prepared. Archie Bunker wants me to help him write his life history because he finds himself endlessly fascinating. Little does he know that there is practically a book written about him already, right here!! although not motivated by fascination. hmm. Yes, he truly wants to dictate his memoir to me.
I think it would work out to be sort of like this: type, puke, wipe, rinse & spit, type. repeat, repeat, repeat. It might be worthwile just to see what is happening in the parallel universe along side of me.
Anyway, last year's spring break was summarized in the post entitled "oh Johnathon Where Art Thou" and is under the "favorite posts" heading to the right.
Maybe he'll find another new best friend this year.


Anonymous said...

dont ....just dont

The CrazyPoet said...

Darlin', trust me, you DON'T want to know what is going on in that parallel universe...