Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tyra Banks' Evil secret

If you look closely you can see that the pink bag on the bottom says "America's Next Top Model". This impressive rig belongs to a somewhat terrifying pruney face lady whom I was privileged to meet today on the 'L'. Shockingly, she's only 22! That's what she said anyway.
Clearly for her own evil purposes, Tyra Banks is sucking the youth and beauty right out of those nice girls that get kicked off her model try-out show. They are then turned out into the streets as sad, dessicated shadows of their former selves with major eyewatering body funk and crazy eyes. This former beauty was riding around on the train today to stay out of the rain. That Tyra is soo mean! She could at least hook her up with some of Paula Abdul's magical herbal tea, because that seems to be keeping her pretty dang happy!
I was all geared up to go to try-outs for the upcoming Top Model TV season, but now I'm reconsidering; Evil Tyra, time off of work, chillens to feed. But hell, I'd still come out on top financially just by virtue of dropping my malpractice insurance for a few months and, I'm sure the staff wouldn't mind taking a little sabbatical so I can pursue my dream of fashion modeling. I just have to make sure to stay FAR AWAY from that evil freakin' Tyra cause I'm already running pretty low on the youth and beauty.

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