Saturday, March 21, 2009

"The Throwup"

What have I wrought? Miss H. had a homework assignment to make a comic book. All the other kids had things like "The Puppy" or "The Best Friends Have A Play Date" and other topics which are frankly as exciting as room temperature tap water. But since we're still cooling off after the whole haggis thing, something regular would have been kind of nice....instead we have an interesting little booklet that involves vomiting which sets off a chain reaction of more vomiting.

The barf- fest culminates with a classmate of whom Miss H. is not fond traveling to the White House to vomit upon our Commander-in-Chief during a televised event. This seems like some kind of warped combination of Monte Python and Rush Limbaugh, neither of which, to my knowledge, is well known to my daughter. This masterpiece did earn her an A+, and so far no social workers.
How could this be? My little angel is warped.


Anonymous said...

Wow, she sounds just like a girl I grew up with. No matter how fast you run, you can't escape your genetic destiny. But it sounds like H is embracing it.

Anonymous said...

Operator malfunction. That's my comment above.

Anonymous said...

warped??? shes a genius!!! and a chip off the old block.....