Saturday, February 2, 2008


Immanuel Kant pretty much summed it up with "unsocial sociability"; regarding our fellows that we "cannot bear, but cannot bear to leave." I really don't think there has been a more true statement.

I suppose my world view and my take on human relations is somewhat tinged by being tethered by marriage to an asshole. Maybe a little shot of his magical cough syrup in my coffee would improve my mood. It's keeping him blessedly quiet.

A little maudlin for a Saturday morning you say? Maybe. I hate NPR on Saturday mornings; our ordinarily staid hosts "letting their hair down for a little levity." Listening to Carl Kasell push out laughs is reminiscent of watching a constipated dog straining to push out it's issue. Let's all just stick with what we know. That means lots of warts and fungus for me.

Nick is still sick, moaning and absolutely incensed that I'm not more sympathetic. Admittedly I have not been too helpful beyond getting his medicine, shoveling the snow and restraining my unkind comments about having to see his ass hanging out of his boxers. Please bear in mind, that despite being on the verge of death on his sick bed, he was able to muster enough energy to go to a dealership and purchase a new truck.

This fact was communicated to me when he called from Costco, in what seemed to be an unusually thoughtful gesture, to see if I needed anything. I said, "well yes, I need some frozen corn and some coffee filters." He said "OK frozen corn and coffee filters." I said "yes, make sure you get the cone filters, not the basket ones." He said "OK, oh, and I bought a new truck today." This is the cheapass who thinks I should go to the barrio to get a haircut because it is cheaper, and really REALLY yells when I opt otherwise. I am sure other couples have at least a perfunctory discussion prior to purchasing a vehicle. Asshole. And, of course he got the damn basket filters instead of the cones, while forgetting completely about the corn.

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