Sunday, January 20, 2008


Sitting/reclining on the couch today because my ass hurts. Apparently the fabulous L5 steroid injection has failed. It's not like I'd be out running today anyway, as the temperature is approaching absolute zero, froze the snot right in my nose when I went out to get the paper. I believe that leaves me with the treatment options of 1. ignoring it and hoping it goes away 2. Heroin; after all, all the cool kids are doin' it.

So I'm breakin the law and skipping church. Nick took the kids so it's just me and the puppy. I could drown him in the toilet and nobody would be any the wiser. Why is it that the dog has chosen me? He sticks to me like a barnacle. I guess he's got me pegged as the being in control of the food.

Ten days to submit cases for boards. After a long chat with my board certified girlfriend, RL, we decided that we should have saved ourselves the aggravation, giant student loan debt, the premature crows feet secondary to late nights of studying, and maybe opted to open a fruit stand or a bead store. Oh well. too late now.

This morning I had a valuable mother daughter moment with H., when I demonstrated how to hawk a luggie. I'm sure she'll treasure to moment in her memory forever, as will I.

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