OK, lets start with the positives. You almost always have cigarettes and you can drive a threaded k-wire like nobody's business. Cute car, remarkable un-whacked son with a nice haircut.
However, despite your amazing charm, talent, and beauty, Glamor magazine could do an entire issue on your fashion eyesores. Holy mother of God. Please, Please, I weep for your shoes when they are paired with those horiffic white sweat socks. Also, there is a special fashion tribunal just for people who put rubber bands in their hair. Please, for all that is well coordinated in the world, soothe the office aesthetic and get some appropriate accessories, or face the prospect of a visit from Stacy and Clinton of "What not to Wear" and expect to face the ridicule of an offended nation.
I mean all of this the utmost respect and care.
Bestest, Mr. Blackwell
1 comment:
its about time youre giving me more face time on your blog and it is a valid point that you bring up about my fashion choices.
But, you should know, that i am forced to dress like that so as not to distract others by my incredible hotness.
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