Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Apparently, despite our dire financial straights, which had Nick in an uproar because the outrageous extravagance of speech therapy for N., he was able to scrape up enough cash to get me a huge & sparkling ring for my birthday (trying to make up for mother's day). It is quite pretty, and I opted not to discuss this glaring hypocrisy because seemingly I'm some kind of jewelry whore.

It has been suggested to me that I could use my shiny new accoutrement as part of a home speech therapy program; every time little N. lisps or says "oh tay", I give him a gentle backhand with the bling finger hand. I dunno though, DCFS can be so freakin uptight.

(for Lisa A.: still waiting for the "gunt" to be put in it's proper place)

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