Saturday, September 20, 2008

date night

Yes, happy couple that we are, we go out at least twice a year. This is to supply the "us" time prescribed by the marital counselor back before I gave up completely. It should be noted that the counselor involved was discovered by Nick one night when he was in a bar, complaining about me leaving him. After our meetings she was always trying to sell me these "all natural" supplements. Maybe if my bowels were healthier my tolerance of Nick would also increase. Nick thinks she was a smashing success. I think she was a stupid ninny, but here I still am.
So anyway date night:
Nick gets home & starts yelling about how its time to go where's the sitter we should be leaving right now! Since I'm ready and he's not I chat with the sitter while he takes a shower. Then (still shouting about how we need to go NOW) the looks for a shirt and starts bitching about how I've shrunk them all in the wash, because they are all too small.
Then we run out the door, get a cab, run to our seats and watch the performance. During intermission he drinks a beer and tells me who he's going to sue next, cuz they done him wrong. Then we watch the rest of the concert but not all the way to the end, because we have to be the first ones out so we don't have to wait for a cab. We go straight home.
Then we pay the sitter, and date night is over!!! wasn't that fun??


Anonymous said...

You need to embrace your inner lesbian feminist and leave his ass, girl.

Edith Bunker said...

no shit. I want to become an "Ellen", not a "Portia DeRossi" because I bet Ellen doesn't shave her legs.