Monday, June 14, 2010

Cubs Win!!

There is really no excuse to turn down tickets to a Cubs game. Sure the team sucks, and I can't honestly say I'm a Cubs fan, but I'm a huge Wrigley Field fan. I lucked into some rooftop seats and for the crosstown classic, no less. I checked to see which hat suited me better; looked like it was going to be Sox black & white for a little while, but I went with Cubbie blue at the end because it matched my outfit better. I know. Call me names, I'll live. Below is a picture of the ONE pennant they won, and if you can't read it or don't know, it says 1906.
This is not a sports blog so I will not dwell on the details of the game. The important part is that the Cubs won, which means I made a good hat choice.
Now, for the salacious fun.

The main reason I was invited was because a civic minded congregant at my church wanted me to meet the hottie above. He's a member of our sister congregation out in the 'burbs.
He just sold his business for 2 billion, yes "B"-billion dollars. He wants to do some philanthropic type business, so our mutual friend thought it would be good for us to meet so I could find a benefactor for our little charity clinic. I think the toddler on his left could have been his date. If I hadn't had the beer I wouldn't have snickered, but well....what are you going to do? give her some graham crackers & set up a play date with my kids ?? heh heh. snort.


Anonymous said...

You know this wasn't more fun than the birthday dinner you committed to TWICE and then still canceled on. Shame on you.

Capt. Schmoe said...

Are you kidding? That's all two billion will buy? I men, she's cute and all but 2 bil ought to be worth at least Courtney Cox hot.

I'm just sayin'

CholeraJoe said...

You have to get a little dirty when you're digging for gold, as the song says.

I thought you were going to say that since you're newly single, your friend was trying to set YOU up with the chubby billionaire. I'm proud you maintained your dignity.

Edith Bunker said...

My head is hanging is shame. True. Come get your gift sometime.

Capt,: C'mon. Courney Cox is waayy too old. Probably needs more than a sippy cup and a new puppy to keep her happy too.

CJ: ewww. that would disqualify a friendship, billions or not.

Anonymous said...

Wrigley Field's great, who needs a bunch of pennants anyway???
and did you know its only 161 days until Miley Cyrus is 18???
And I did a Courtney Cox Post today, it'd almost be worth gettin Parkinson's to have nailed her in her prime.(OK, see, she played Michael J. Fox's girlfriend on Family Ties, and then he got Parkinsons)


CholeraJoe said...

Mrs. B, can't you just tell what going through that red-headed vacuous mind? "Oooh, if I bang his brains out for a couple of years, I can divorce him and be set for life."

CholeraJoe said...

Frank, speaking of Miley, did you see where her underage nekkid lady parts were photographed and posted on the net? I didn't bother going looking, but it was tabloid headlines today.

Ann T. said...
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Edith Bunker said...

divorce him? just unplug his cpap or feed him a high fructose/glucose diet.

Anonymous said...

I had a couple Bil but then I got rich. I hope that guy can parlay his little bit into something real.

I'm new, which one are you????